Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Running with Gratitude (part 4)

Friends are great!  Some of the best friends I have made through the years are the people I have worked with.  Mason is one of my favorite people.  She is funny, thoughtful, a great cook, and one of the best moms I have ever met (and grandma too)!

Since we no longer work together, we have to find other occasions to catch up.  Our favorite one is pedicures!  Nothing better than having someone make your toes look beautiful!  We have our favorite place for our toes, and we always get seats together.

So, in addition to begin thankful for good looking toes, I'm thankful for my wonderful friend Mason!  Love ya!


  1. Those look like family toes on the right. Am I right? I like that Mason too! She's always fun to talk to. Does she read your blog?

  2. Best friends and pedicures? Sounds like an awesome time!


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