Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Running with Gratitude!

I read an article today that said gratitude is healthy for you.  Grateful people feel more alert, alive, interested, and enthusiastic.  They also feel more connected to others.  Apparently, being grateful can actually influence your health in a positive way!  Nice... 

So in this week of Thanksgiving I'm working on reconnecting with some people that I've been "too busy" to see.  (Sad...)  I'm grateful for so many people in my life, and for the grace of God who placed each of these wonderful people in my path.

I'm thankful for my wonderful friend Rosie.  Rosie has been a friend for over 14 years.  Her daughter was in my 1st grade class and Rosie eventually ended up being our daycare provider for both my son and daughter.  We've stayed close through the years.  Rosie is truly a daughter of God.  She speaks to God...calls him Dad when she talks to him and about him.  I love that. Rosie is so spiritual and truthful about her beliefs.

Whenever we meet up, the conversation begins with kids, husbands, future plans, and finally moves to God's place in our lives.  Rosie keeps me real...she doesn't sugar coat anything, and I always come away from our times together feeling just so...grateful!  I love you Rosie!  Thank you for being my very special friend!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad we got together for coffee. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful cousin that I think so highly of as a friend and as a professional colleague.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


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